Sun Safety
LLL will apply sunscreen to each child in our care (over 6 months) whose parents have signed a sunscreen permission waiver. If you would like to provide your own sunscreen please notify the office in writing, and then you will not be charged. We will start applying sunscreen as of May 1.
You will be charged a $8 fee per child, for those who are in attendance for summer. This fee provides sunscreen for your child for the entire summer.
Thank you!
Please consider sending sun protective clothing/hats as well. There are many brands that make them (Coolibar, Cabanalife, Solartex, Land's End, etc.) You will want to look for UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) on the label. While standard summer fabrics have UPF ~6, sun protective clothing typically has UPF ~30, which means that only 1 out of ~30 units of UV will pass through (~3%).
More Sun Safety Tips
The American Academy of Dermatology has some great resources for skin cancer prevention as well as tips on sunscreen use.