Billing & Payments
Fees are reviewed by the Board of Directors every May for the upcoming September. The following forms of payment are acceptable at the main center office: cash, checks, credit card, and bank checks. There is a 3% service charge for credit card payments. Online payments are an option as well. Visit myprocare.com to view and pay your bill using a credit card. You may also sign up for Automated Payment Processing (EFT). Electronic Funds Transfers can be authorized for your bank account or a credit card. Bank Account Transfers incur a fee of $1 per pay period. EFTs are withdrawn from your designated account on the Friday that fees are due. Invoices are billed biweekly for the upcoming two weeks. Payments can be made in person, mailed to the main center, left in the dropbox outside of the office, or handed in to the Wrap-Around teachers at Jackson & Tibbets. For a more detailed description see our Fee Schedule.
Fee Schedules:
Registration Fee ......................... $50.00
Wrap Around Registration Fee ... $40.00
Preschool Registration Fee ........ $40.00
Yearly Continuation Fee ............. $50.00
All registration fees and yearly continuation fees are non-refundable. Registration fees at the main center is 50% off if you have another child also registered at a Wrap-Around site. Registration fees are required to hold your child's spot.
Infants ........................................ $6.95/hour
Two's ........................................... $6.05/hour
Three's & Up ............................... $5.70/hour
School-Age ................................... $5.70/hour
Families with 2 or more full time children (40+ hrs/wk) receive 10% off the least expensive of the full time children.
Other Charges
Early Drop Off .......................... $5.00/15 min
Late Pick Up ............................. $5.00/15 min
Drop In Fee .................................... $5.00/day
Schedule Change ................................. $5.00
Contract Change ................................ $25.00
Forget to Sign In/Out ............................ $5.00
Bedding ......................................... $1.00/day
Lunch ............................................ $3.00/day
Milk .................................................. $0.35/day
Diapers ...................................... $1.00/diaper
Wipes ............................................. $1.00/day
Summer Transportation Fee .....$50.00/child
Summer Transportation Fees are due with a contract and are non-refundable.
A preschool only day (8:45-11:30) will be $17.00 per day.
Schedule Minimums
Part Time vs. Full Time
Scheduling & Billing
School Age: 1 hour at a time
Wrap Around: 1.5 hours at a time
Half Day: 5 hours
Full Day: 8 hours
A part time day is defined as 5 hours or less and you will be charged for 5 hours. This can be scheduled either in the AM or PM.
A full day is defined as any schedule between 5 and 8 hours per day, but you will be charged for 8 hours. Anything more than 8 hours is charged by the hourly rate by the quarter of the hour.
You may choose to receive paper bills in your parent mailbox or e-bills. E-bills may be sent to up to 2 e-mail addresses. These are delivered by Monday of billing week. Schedule Changes are due on "Schedule Friday" by 10:00 am. You may submit these in writing or via email to info@lakelandslittlelearners.com. Full time students are allowed to vary their schedule while maintaining full time status if handed in on "Schedule Friday" for the upcoming two weeks. Part time schedules do not vary without an additonal fee and prior approval.
Bills are due on "Fee Friday" by 5:00 pm.
Voucher system
Vouchers will be given for the equivalent of 2 normally contracted weeks per year prorated based on the number of months in that year you actually maintained those contracted hours. Vouchers will be given after you have been with the center for 3 months if your bill is current, and may only be used if your bill is current when you wish to use them. If a Voucher is requested to be used on or before “Schedule Friday” by 10:00 a.m., you will receive credit for the day(s) and lunch(es). When Vouchers are used for unanticipated absences, the Voucher must be requested by or before 10:00 a.m. on the first “Schedule Friday” following the date of the absence to receive credit for the day(s). Lunch will not be credited in this case. No Vouchers will be allowed outside these two time frames. Vouchers may not be used toward fees for a two-week notice of termination. Vouchers do not apply to 4K Private Pay or Pre-School only children. School-Agers are entitled to one week’s credit during the school year and one week’s credit during the summer (No Vouchers are given for school-agers who do not contract for the full summer session). (One week is determined by your contracted days, i.e.: if you are scheduled Mon, Wed and Fri, you are entitled to three days off, etc.) Vouchers/credits are applied upon request.