
Immunizations are considered one of the greatest medical achievements for the 20th century. Vaccines prevent disease in people who receive them and protect those who come in contact with unvaccinated individuals.
Diseases that once killed many children and adults are rarely seen today because of immunizations. But these diseases are still around, especially in other parts of the world. Vaccination continues to be one of the most important things you can do to protect your child and yourself from dangerous diseases.
All students out of compliance with the Wisconsin State Immunization Law will be excluded from Lakeland's Little Learners. A non-compliant student is one who is “behind schedule” for a required vaccine(s) or has no immunization record on file at school. It is the parent’s obligation to provide immunization records to the school. Immunizations can be obtained through your health care provider or the Walworth County Public Health Department.
Students enrolled will have 30 days to become compliant with the Wisconsin State Immunization. Students not in compliance, will be excluded from school. PLEASE NOTE THAT INCOMPLETELY IMMUNIZED STUDENTS MAY BE EXCLUDED FROM SCHOOL IF A DISEASE OUTBREAK OCCURS.
There is an abundance of good material found on the internet about vaccinations. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of false information as well. The following is accurate scientific informative material about vaccines and childhood immunizations:
Autism & Vaccines: In 1998, a scientist named Dr. Andrew Wakefield published an article in a medical journal, The Lancet, that he had discovered a link between autism spectrum disorder and the MMR vaccine. After years of controversy and making parents mistrust vaccines, along with collecting $674,000 from lawyers who would benefit from suing vaccine makers, it was discovered he had made the whole thing up. The Lancet publicly apologized and reported that further investigation led to the discovery that he had fabricated everything. The Lancet retracted the article due to fraud and unethical research practices. In the intervening years, millions have been spent on studying this further to see if there was anything that could connect autism and vaccines. This is what they found.
DTap, Tdap, Td, Polio, Hib, MMR, Fepatitis B, Hepatitis A, chickenpox (varicella), Rotavirus, Pneumonoccal Conjugate, HPV and Meningococcal are available. Must bring written immunization record to be eligible for vaccination.
TB skin testing is available at Tuesday clinics. Must return in 48-72 hours to have skin test read.
Spanish interpreters are available at all clinics.
There is a small administration fee for those without insurance, no charge for Medicaid/ BadgerCare (the Forward Card). No one is denied vaccine supplied by the State of Wisconsin for failure to pay.
Children under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian or have written permission for vaccination.
No appointment is necessary.
All clinics are held at Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services Center (Public Health/ East Entrance - W4051 County Road NN, Elkhorn, WI 53121). The clinics are open to those who do not have insurance that covers vaccines and those who have Medicaid/ BadgerCare (the Forward Card).
Date & Time
2nd Tuesday 3:00 – 6:00 PM
4th Tuesday 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
262-741-3140 or call toll free 800-365-1587 or email at walcoph@walworth.wi.us.