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albuterol inhaler

albuterol inhaler







Chronic Health Conditions 

Students who have chronic health conditions which require emergency medication (Epipen, Inhaler, Diastat, Glucagon, or insulin) at school must have an emergency action/health plan each year. You do not have to use these forms, but you must submit a plan. You do still need to complete a Medication form if your child requires medications.

Students who have a health condition which requires nursing services will require a medical plan of care with physician's orders. 

Asthma & Reactive Airway Disease

Children with a diagnosis of asthma or reactive airway disease are asked to please complete and submit an asthma action plan. If your child requires the use of an inhaler for emergencies or illnesses please complete an Authorization to Administer Medication form. LLL can keep an inhlaer for your child on our premises for these purposes, however a new Authorization to Administer Medication form must be submitted every 3 months.  


We recommend that if your child has a diagnosis of asthma that an inhaler is kept on site along with a spacer for more efficient medication absorption. 

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