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Lakeland's Little Learners Administrative Office


Consent for Observation/

Some children require observations and services by outside agencies like Birth to Three, the school district, speech therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, etc. 


If you know your child is going to need these services please complete this consent form and submit it to the office prior to the first day of the service. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are offered three times a year. The times offered for conferences vary by classroom. The teacher will notify you when conferences will be held, and a sign up sheet will be posted on the classroom door. You may also arrange for a conference at anytime by contacting your child's teacher. 

Is someone else picking up your child?

If someone not listed on your pick-up list will be picking your child up from school, you may call the office with the person's full name and phone number to approve this. 


If you would like this person to pick-up your child continuously or if you would just like to have the option always just in case, you made add as many approved pick-ups to your approved list as you like. Just call the office or email


All non-scheduled absences need to be reported by phone (262.723.8391) to the office.


If you are running late, please call to notify the office as the DCF guidelines require that we call parents if a child is missing past his or her schedule time. This is a safety measure to prevent children from being left in cars, etc.


You may report a scheduled absence by email or directly to the office in writing.  


4K Students: Please report an absence by 8:45 am or 12:45 pm. Any student who is absent for 3 or more consecutive days needs a doctors excuse when he/she returns. 

Have a question?

All questions and concerns can be directed to the office by email or 262.723.8391. We will get back to you within one business day. 

Restricted Pick-Ups 

Only people on your authorized pick-up list and any parent or guardian may be allowed to pick-up your child. 


If there are any legal reasons why a parent or guardian cannot pick-up your child, please submit legal documentation to show this. 


All people who are not recognizable by the teacher in your child's room will be required to show proof of identity before leaving the building with your child. 

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